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FIFA was quick to disallow the new Swiss "aerodynamic" uniforms because opponents complained they were afraid to get too close to them...
Well, I have to be honest and admit I didn't get a chance to watch much of the games today. I actually had to go to work, and my place of employment does not offer ESPN 360 (the nerve of them!). Had to catch the highlights, check websites, blogs, etc. to keep up.
That being said, it's nice to know that the U.S. is no longer in last place. However, if you had told me before that it was because Spain would destroy Ukraine, I would have been skeptical. As poorly as we played Monday, looks like Shevchenko and company did the same. Can't blame all of that on he and Rebrov, as the defense was in tatters from the opening moments. If David Villa has another game like this one, people will forget all about Raul. That might be good, as he always seems to play better when there is little pressure on him. So Spain and the Czechs were the 2 best-looking teams through the first match. Look for Spain to crush both remaining opponents and cruise through to the questerfinals, at least, as their 2nd round opponent will be the 2nd place team from the weak group G.
Didn't see a moment of action from Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, but it looked like it was a solid match. SA seemed to dominate possession and shots, but in saying that, the U.S. also had the advantage in time of possession against the Czechs on Monday...that didn't exactly work out now, did it?
Poland/Germany - So those who were quick to criticize Klinnsman for putting Neuville on the squad are happy now, right? Really good intense game between 2 regional rivals that had such a dramatic ending. I had a feeling Poland was really going to bring it for today's game, as a loss essentially sends them home. Although it probably will take a while to heal, they should be proud of the way they played against the home side. As most coaches will tell you, regardless of sport, one of the toughest games a team will ever face is playing the home team in a World Cup. Poland should hold their heads high.
As for the U.S., who are still picking up the pieces of their loss, it does seem that there are a number of U.S. soccer writers who almost seem smug in taking apart Bruce Arena in their columns. It's almost as if they've been waiting for him to eventually fail at something so they can be there like vultures to pick him apart. Sure, Arena is cocky, arrogant, and downright condescending (at least he has been with me on multiple occasions), but he's had unprecedented success with the U.S. Soccer team over the course of 8 years. I don't think it's fair to label him a failure after 1 game. Granted, it was on the world's biggest stage and in front of a worldwide audience, but let's have some perspective here... If they get blown out against Italy and only get a draw or another loss to Ghana, then let the criticism begin. Until then, chalk up Monday to an ugly loss to a vastly superior Czech team, where nothing the U.S. seemed to do was right.
That's about it for today. See you tomorrow!
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